Underlined numbers indicate where and when the major exercises Zapad-2017, Vostok-2018, and Tsentr-2019 occurred.

Radios with a range of thousands of kilometers (e.g. R-430, Liven, Baryer)

Radios with a range of hundreds of kilometers (e.g. Redut, R-419L1, R-166 ARTEK)

Radios with a range of tens of kilometers (e.g. Strelets, Azart, R-149, Andromeda)

Radios with a range of tens of kilometers (e.g. Strelets, Azart, R-149, Andromeda)

Methodology for data collection:
Exercises posted by the Russian Ministry of Defense using the specified radios are counted by the army/corps-level area of responsibility (AOR) where they take place. An exercise with multiple strategic radio types counts as 1 whereas an exercise with one strategic radio type in multiple AORs counts as one for each AOR. Exercises with both strategic and operational radios count toward both tables.